A vasectomy is a simple surgery done by a doctor in an office, hospital, or clinic. The small tubes in your scrotum that carry sperm are cut or blocked off, so sperm can’t leave your body and cause pregnancy. The procedure is very quick, and you can go home the same day. And it’s extremely effective at preventing pregnancy — almost 100%.
There are two types of vasectomies: the incision method, and the no-scalpel (no-cut) method. No-cut methods lower the risk of infection and other complications, and generally take less time to heal.
Vasectomies are meant to be permanent — so they usually can’t be reversed. You should only get a vasectomy if you’re 100% positive you don’t want to be able to get someone pregnant for the rest of your life.
The term “vasectomy” comes from the name of the tubes in your scrotum that are blocked during the procedure: vas deferens.
How does a vasectomy work?
Sperm — the microscopic cells that join up with an egg to cause pregnancy — are made in your testicles. Sperm leaves the testicles through two tubes called the vas deferens, and mixes with other fluids to make semen (cum). The sperm in your semen can cause pregnancy if it gets into a vagina.
A vasectomy blocks or cuts each vas deferens tube, keeping sperm out of your semen. Sperm cells stay in your testicles and are absorbed by your body. Starting at least 2 months after a vasectomy, your semen (cum) won’t contain any sperm, so it can’t cause pregnancy. You must have your semen tested 8-16 weeks after your vasectomy to make sure there’s no sperm in your semen.
After your vasectomy, your semen will still look, feel, and taste the same. You’d have to look at it under a microscope to see a difference. You’ll still have the same amount of semen you did before — there just won’t be sperm in it so you can’t get anybody pregnant. Vasectomies don’t change the way having an orgasm or ejaculating feels, and they don’t impact your hormone levels, sex drive, or ability to get an erection.